Today, I received a very special gift from Miel. This is a very unique gift I ever received. A strange yet cool gift. It's a plant!! but an extraordinary Plant!!
According to the brochure, its name is “pachira aquatica” locally called “money tree” and according to Miel, the Chinese owner of the store where he bought this told him to say a wish to this plant.. Anyways, whether its true or not,
I can say that it excites's so cool...!!!
This is an ideal gift. It has a good packaging box with a bookmark listed the care tips on it. In the box, indicated what Miura and Hydro-culture are and its advantages.
Miura hydro-culture plants have been in Japanese Market for decades. Though hydro-culture originated in Europe, Miura had over the years, improved the system so well as to make it to the top among the garden centers in Japan.
Today Miura’s name is synonymous with hydro-culture and Miura plants are now in the Philippines, offering a better alternative to traditional soil-grown indoor plants.
Care Tips:
- Make sure the plant pot has water. Maximum water level: ¼ of the pot with the plant inside.
- Avoid watering the leaves in the afternoon.
- Do not expose the plant to direct sunlight. Do not keep in the dark places either. Bright indirect light is best for the plant.
- Remove any yellowing leaves.
- Replace the water and clean the outermost pot twice a month.
- Fertilizer use is not recommended.
Hydroculture (also known as hydroponic-culture) is a method of growing plants without the use of soil. Popular in Europe and Japan for 40 years now, hydroculture uses water-absorbing pebbles called hydrocorns to supply water nutrients to the roots of the plant. Being soillessl, this system thus provide the most suitable way of growing INDOOR plants as they give life to the environment in condominiums, offices,stores, hospitals, restaurants and other public places, as well as in the living rooms, dining rooms, kitchen and even comfort rooms of residential houses.
Advantages of Hydroculture
1. As soil is not used, a clean, healthy, odorless and allergy-safe environment is maintained.
2. Exposure to soil-related pests and diseases is completely eliminated.
3. Plant care becomes simple and easy as frequent watering is no longer needed. The pores of the hydrocorn retains enough water to sustain the needs of the roots even if the palnt pot dries up.
4. Provides the best setting for healthy growth, making the plants stronger than soil-grown plants.
5. Hydroculture plants cleans the air by absorbing interior air pollutants like formaldehyde, benzol,phenol and nicotine that are releases by paints, wax and other building materials, and effectivelyclean the air and neutralized the phenomenon known as “sick building syndrome”